This is just my little blog on lots of big things. I'm 27 and happily married to a darling man that I'm honored to call my husband. I've been diagnosed with Stage 4 Endometriosis which has put a damper on starting a family. So here you will read about my struggles with my health, infertility, my relationship with my husband, and most relationship with God and how day by day he is guiding me in a life that I'm proud to live.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Disney Challenge: #2

#2: Favorite Princess

Okay, I might get some flack for this one. Because, she's new to the Disney scene. I'm sure I should probably go with one of the classic princesses, but then I wouldn't be telling the truth. I'm a huge advocate for the old Disney movies. I think they should still be introduced to the younger generations, they were Walt's orginials. My future child will definitely know them, as I have a huge collection going already, and yes while I love the films so very much, I mainly collect them so my child will have them. I don't like that most kids these days only know the Pixar films. Which of course, are amazing. But they aren't tied to Walt in any way. But, I had to choose this princess as my favorite because, well, she reminds me so very much of myself..

No, I haven't been locked in a tower my whole life. But I have in a way, been somewhat sheltered I think. Which I don't think is bad. But it does make it harder as an adult, to have to deal with "real life situations". I know that I still have a pretty innocent way of looking at things, and the heart of a child. Which some may look down on, and think I'm immature. I know that I'm not immature, I just prefer to look at things a different way than most. I get excited about the little things in life. I would rather shop in the Disney Store for cool new collectibles than at Macy's. It makes me happy. Everyone should have something that makes them happy. My husband finds it very cute, and of course he likes that I'm so easily amused by things and it doesn't take very much to make me happy.

Rapunzel was excited to touch the grass with her feet, roll down a hill, and see the floating lights. She even says something I always say, "Best day ever!". Not to mention, we both have green eyes, freckles, and fabulous hair :)

I loved that this movie was very reminiscent of the old princess movies, but more romantic I thought. In the ones like Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella & Snow White..they didn't know their prince. They met him once, and that was it. Rapunzel & Flynn (Or Euuuugeeeeene) had time to connect (Ok, only for a day, but still). They learned things about eachother. They fell in love over those things. I loved at the end when he said "You were my new dream" and she says "And you were mine". See..I'm 26 and a movie like this puts me over the moon :) I did think was also pretty comical, adults ("mature" adults) could watch it and still be entertained.

I get teased a lot by my husband and step daughter for how much I adore this movie. I always have to get any Tangled memorabilia that I find. I even have a huge pink body pillow with Rapunzel on it and a matching very large fuzzy Tangled blanket. Don't hate, Sharayah has said "Dang these are comfy!". My side of the bed may look like a kid's, but hey, it makes me quite happy :)

I also loved that I was able to see this movie with my mom. It was very special and reminded me of going to see all the Disney movies in the theater when I was a kid. Oliver & Company, Little Mermaid, Beauty & The Beast (At least 3 times), Aladdin, Lion King..yeah I guess I was kind of spoiled :) I just thought it was pretty neat and like old times :)

I posted a video of one of the songs from the movie that I always sing..I know my hubby secretly likes it. My hair is getting quite long so when I brush it I always have to say "And then I brush and brush and brush and bah-ruuush my hair...". Yes, I'm a dork, but you love it :)

We're heading to Disneyland in less than 3 weeks and you know I'll be on the hunt for some official Disneyland Tangled far I haven't been able to find a shirt in my size, wonder why that is?

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