So, it's been awhile since I've blogged! Dr's appointments, a trip to Los Angeles and more Dr's appointments have kept me pretty busy.
We spent the weekend of Oct 24 & 25 in L.A. Sunday the 25th was the big event we've been waiting for literally 4 years, because that's how long it's taken us to get tickets to see them..the U2 concert at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena. It was an amazing experience. Saturday we bummed around Hollywood, which was fun because I had really never been able to spend time down there before, so I got to see the walk of fame, Grauman's Chinese Theater, The El Capitan Theater and other sites. It was a lot of fun just walking around all day seeing the different sites and looking for the stars I wanted, of course I didn't find all of them..I never realized how big it was but I got to see quite a lot. We had so much fun, we forgot that we needed sleep, so by the time we got to my sister in laws house, it was after midnight and we planned on getting up at 3am to leave to the Rose Bowl to get in line for U2. I know, we're insane. So on barely three hours of sleep, we actually did wake up at 3am, got ready and headed to Pasadena. It was freezing cold, but we were number 51 and 52 in a line of what grew to be over 6,000 people on the field that night. Pretty impressive right? Ok you still think I'm crazy I'm sure. People keep asking me why we lined up that early and sat in line for 15 hours..well we had General Admission tickets, which means basically, first come first serve and we wanted to be as close as possible. With the Rose Bowl holding 96,000 people for that concert..we knew we would have to pull something crazy to get close..but we had an amazing view..the whole band walked right past us on the cat walk quite a few times.
Note that I would never do this for anyone BUT U2. They are both mine and my husbands favorite band ever, and we had always said we would do whatever it took to get close. It was so amazing to experience it with David. We both love them so much, their songs are so meaningful to us, they are just awesome and it was almost surreal to even be there. I spent most of the concert just crying because it was so unbelievable to me. Yeah, I get that whole crying thing from my mom :) Hi Mom!
So..we obviously had an amazing time as we just bought tickets to see them again in Anaheim this summer. Hopefully we won't have to pull the crazy moves out this time since it's a much smaller venue. Here's to June 2010!
So aside from that, my surgery is scheduled for this Friday and I couldn't be more nervous. I know that's normal, but I am honestly just scared out of my mind about it. I've never had surgery, and always feared it. I know I will be so much better off afterwards, that's what I keep telling myself and what everyone around me keeps telling me, and I know this, I really do, it's the whole being put to sleep thing that I'm scared of. I know that sounds crazy, but it just terrifies me. That and the fact that I'm a big baby with a low tolerance for pain and I don't know how I'm going to react afterwards. I feel horrible even saying these things as I know there's millions of people everyday who have major surgeries on things like their brain and heart which are much more serious than my little procedure. So, just keep me in your prayers and hopefully it will all go well and answers will be found.
I will try to update as soon as I'm up to it after surgery..and thanks for everyone who's messaged me, called me, everything..I appreciate it so much, my family and friends mean the world to me :)