So..let's see. Last I posted we were getting ready to see U2. AMAZING concert! HORRIBLE sunburn. It was such a different experience than the first time. We didn't have to line up at 4am. People weren't trampling us to get in. The band seemed to be more into it. There were a few stupid people down in the inner circle. Stragglers who push their way in half an hour before the show starts and stand right in front of us. So annoying. I actually got physical with one girl..lucky for me she was so high on weed she didn't try to defend herself. Haha. Anyone who knows me knows it's totally out of character for me to put my hands on someone. don't come between me & Bono. We had a really great view, and they all walked by us again quite a few times. I'm still waiting for him to pull me on stage though..maybe next time. Here's some pictures..
We're halfway there! We left Fresno around 3:30 am that morning..this was when we hit the grapevine. Still 13 hours 'til showtime, but I'm smiling!

Wristbanded and ready to go in!

We look pretty good for being in line for about 8 hours..and still have about 2 hours 'til showtime.

After fighting off some stragglers..

So..I also mentioned I got a horrible sunburn. The worst of my life. It was overcast, and I had on leggings, a long tanktop, a shrug sweater and ballet flats on. Not a lot of skin exposed to get burned, you would think. The tops of my feet, the part of my arm not covered by my shrug, my lips (which have never burned before), and my face were all a victim to the LA overcast, and about an hour of sun that actually came out. I did apply sunscreen once the sun started to peek through..but it must've been too late at that point. I woke up the next morning in the hotel room with feet so swollen I could barely walk, and couldn't put shoes on. My lip felt like it was half a mile from my face, and of course my face was burnt to a crisp. I was pretty much bedridden for 3 days, couldn't walk, could barely talk and I always get sick when I get a sunburn. Like upset stomach, nausea, all that fun stuff. I'll never go out without sunscreen again, I swear. I would post pics but I don't want you to throw up in your mouth :)
We've also been super busy with decorating our house. David put in the wood flooring while I was recovering from surgery. He also painted it. We purchased a BEAUTIFUL new couch the first week of June and finally were able to pick it up the last week of June. So since then we've been moving everything back into the living room and office. Trying to find all the stuff my hubby stashed when he emptied the rooms out to install the floor has been no easy task! We bought the most darling curtains and curtain rods, and I'm amazed at how different our living room looks. Baseboards will be coming soon, and touching up a few areas with paint, then I can hang pictures and stuff on the walls again. I'm SO excited about all of this. I've always loved interior decorating. I love how David and I agree so easily on things too. We've agreed on everything so far, from the shade of wood the floor is, to the color of the curtains. He's amazing :) I took a few pics of the new curtains and rods with my cell phone, but it does them no justice. The lighting is weird, so I'll have to take some with my digital camera soon.
Of course I have to include seeing Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows Pt. 2 at the midnight showing in my list of "How I Spent My Summer". So much fun! I went with my friend Marcy who is a HUUUUGE Harry Potter fan. I'm kind of a newbie, I've seen all the movies but haven't read the books yet. I loved this movie though, it was awesome. We even sported Harry t-shirts and glasses. Nerds!
My parents and brother came to visit last week. It was so great to see them. My brother is staying with us an extra week which I'm happy about. We had fun while my parents were here, had lots of nice dinners together and lots of time to visit. We loved seeing them and are already looking forward to our trip to Arizona for Thanksgiving!
This past weekend we also spent a lot of time with David's family. His dad got married in Cambria, it was a great weekend. David's sister, her husband and their four daughters came from Los Angeles, they recently had their fourth daughter February 28th, and this was the first time we met her. She's amazing! I instantly fell in love :) She's the calmest baby, and just loves on everyone. I think I hogged her for the majority of the weekend, but I don't feel bad. Haha. His dad's wedding was beautiful, the venue was amazing, and we got to meet Cheryl's family for the first time as well, it was very nice. The venue they had the wedding at was GORGEOUS!! Cambria Pines Lodge..I reccommend anyone visiting the Central Coast check into this place. They have adorable little cottages to stay in, quite a few different gardens that you walk all different cute little pathways to get to the gardens through..just sooo beautiful. One of the gardens is an organic vegetable garden, and the restaurant serves them in the salads and they were so delicious! We're planning on a weekend trip for David's birthday in September, we loved it so much. We got there Saturday morning for the rehearsal and for lunch with everyone. After lunch, we actually met up with my parents and walked through some shops in Cambria. They left that afternoon, and David and I ventured over to San Luis Obispo. Oh, how I love it there. We both do. I think we could walk around there all day. I love all the little shops. We even found a yummy sushi place (we've pretty picky about sushi and tend to stick to certain places because we've ended up being disappointed) and had a beautiful dinner and some wine. I love good food, good wine, and great conversation with my husband. I love feeling like we're the only two people there because we're so into eachother and what we have to say. I love that after six years together, and almost five years of marriage we still have those moments. After dinner, we went back over to the Pines and met up with David's sister and her family. They were having dinner in one of these cute little cabana things that they even installed heaters in. So lovely. We definitely had more wine than we needed that night, but great conversation with her, and I ADORE her. We don't get to see eachother much, and mostly communicate through texting, but when we do get together we always have fun..and
The wedding was on Sunday afternoon and it was beautiful. We had great weather all weekend. I was so worried because the weather websites had said the high would be 62 all weekend. I had purchased two great dresses for the weekends festivities and definitely wanted to rock them in some warm (not hot) weather. Well, I was able to. The reception went into late afternoon and was a lot of fun, great food, great company and great music. After it wrapped up, David and I changed into more comfortable clothes (Did I mention he was the best man? And super handsome?), said our goodbyes, and headed to the water. We parked on top of a hill, and walked down a ton of stairs to what we thought would be a "beachy" area. It wasn't, but that's ok. It was all rocks and stuff, but it was fun. We climbed and hiked over them and found a little tide pool area to chill at for awhile. I love the water. But not as much as my husband loves the water. He's so cute. He also broke his flip flop right as we began the rock hike back to the car. Uh oh. He made it though. After that, we had dinner at a cute little diner and headed home. Sigh..another fun weekend that passed too quickly. But I love that we have plans for more of those weekends. Here's some pics..
One of the cute little gardens at the Cambria Pines. This was the afternoon of the rehearsal. I adore this dress from Forever 21..and these shoes that I've only worn once and have had for like three years.

Look at this HOTTIE I found!!

Makes my heart MELT!

SOLE MATES :) Chillin' in SLO..

Wedding Outfit. Again, an amazing Forever 21 find!

Don't I look good with a baby on my hip? :)

Amazing photographer Misty Dameron took these next two photos..

VERY excited to be near the water!

Taking a little rest..

True Love :)