I love how timeless it is, and always will be. How amazing is it that I can talk to my mom, or even my grandma about it and they know all the episodes? I love that, and hope someday I can share that with my child. Any child of mine will be a fan of Lucy, that's for sure.
I hope she knew how much people adore her. I think if I could pick anyone famous dead or alive to meet, it would be her. I think she's inspired me in more ways that I know. I think it's because of her, that I would rather receive the compliment "You're funny" than "You're pretty". I guess I'm privileged, and I've received both, and she did too. But I love that my husband thinks I'm funny. He always tells me "You're such a comedian". I'm glad I can bring laughter to those I love, and I thank her for that. I thank her for always being my go-to girl..and she always will be. I thank her for probably inspiring all of my crazy ideas. For introducing me to fake eyelashes, and making red hair cool. I thank her for why I'm so in awe of Hollywood and I keep track of the number of celebrities I've seen just like her and Ethel did, except I'm nowhere near 100. I thank her for inspiring my fashion..and boy do I love fashion. I wish I would've pursued that when I was younger. It's probably the first thing I see when I notice someone, and I love the dresses, hats, and shoes she wore in that show, they are divine. Like I said, so ahead of their time. Now if only we could bring that style back. I guess in a way, I kind of am. That's the "Lucy" in me..
I even have my very own Ricky (Ok, he's not a band leader, but whatever..)..and my own version of Ethel too!
"Well, are you??"
I love how she says "Turn me loose!"

Me & Lucy in NYC, June 2008 :)
I'm so excited to say that in October when we take our anniversary trip to Disneyland, I get to go to the Hollywood Museum. They have a special exhibit about Lucy and it's there until November..I can't wait!