This is just my little blog on lots of big things. I'm 27 and happily married to a darling man that I'm honored to call my husband. I've been diagnosed with Stage 4 Endometriosis which has put a damper on starting a family. So here you will read about my struggles with my health, infertility, my relationship with my husband, and most relationship with God and how day by day he is guiding me in a life that I'm proud to live.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

People throw rocks at things that shine..

Currently obsessing over Taylor Swift's new song, "Ours". Anyone who knows me knows I'm a HUGE Taylor fan. I don't think there's one of her songs I can't sing word for word. I love how she captures emotions and love so perfectly in her songs. She writes them all herself and I think she's amazingly talented, and such a great role model for young girls..there aren't too many of those these days. (Hello Kim Kardashian and your 72 day marriage).

There's so many of her songs that remind me of David, of my family, my friends, and I just love that. This one in particular reminds me of the beginning of our relationship..and how a lot of people were so skeptical about it. For really ridiculous reasons, like our age difference (who cares!) and the fact that I had recently split with my ex husband. I think we both got called "adulterers" at one point. Which is totally ridiculous considering David had been seperated for like almost two years when we started dating, he didn't leave his ex wife for me, or any other woman. It was a mutual decision to divorce. Nor did I leave my ex for David, or see him before we seperated. In fact, I was the one who was cheated on in that relationship. I guess if the people calling us that were uber religious bible thumpers than yeah, technically us both being legally married (which come to find out, I never even was legally married..Ha!) and dating someone else, yeah, it's adultery. I don't agree with that, but to each their own. All I know is, it amazes me how people can be so hateful and negative about people who are obviously so much in love. Love should be celebrated and admired. I love seeing other couples who are so much in love, and I thank those who are always complimenting our relationship and how lucky we both are. I think the best compliments I've ever recieved are from David's family. His mom, dad, and both of his sisters have actually thanked me for loving him. His mom especially is always telling me how she loves seeing her son so in love, and seeing him being treated the way he deserves. Well, it's my pleasure :)

The stakes are high, the water's rough..but this love is OURS..


  1. I was a fan of your blog until I read this post. You had a adultry relationship. Shame on you, you homewrecker

  2. Your such a hoe I bet you are cheating on your husband now!
