Tomorrow is September 11th, now also recognized as National Day of Service and Remembrance. I urge everyone to visit this site and find something you can do to remember the victims of this horrible day. "The sites mission is to honor the victims of 9/11 and those who rose to service in response to the attacks by encouraging all Americans and others throughout the world to pledge to voluntarily perform at least one good deed, or another service activity on 9/11 each year. In this way they hope to create a lasting and forward-looking legacy -- annually rekindling the spirit of service, tolerance, and compassion that unified America and the world in the immediate aftermath of the 9/11 attacks."
There are so many things you can do,lighting a candle, giving blood, even just donating a few dollar or sending a text message of 911day to 30644 to show your support. There's a whole list of ideas on this site of things you can do and I hope everyone chooses to do something. We as a Country need to never forget this day. All of us we affected by it somehow or other, but keep the victims families, and those brave men and women who worked so hard to get everyone out of the buildings and worked for months and months to clear out Ground Zero..some of them are now suffering from servere Respiratory Diseases, pray for all of them.
David and I visited New York City last summer. We felt neccessary to visit Ground Zero and pay our respects. I don't think it's something anyone should be scared to see. It's a day that is forever etched in our minds and our hearts, and on the same day, we went to the Statue of Liberty. I've never felt more proud to be an American than I did on this day...seeing what destruction others can try to cause to our Country..then seeing all she stands for and how we will always be united. It was an emotional day, but one I'm so thankful I got to see.
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