This is just my little blog on lots of big things. I'm 27 and happily married to a darling man that I'm honored to call my husband. I've been diagnosed with Stage 4 Endometriosis which has put a damper on starting a family. So here you will read about my struggles with my health, infertility, my relationship with my husband, and most relationship with God and how day by day he is guiding me in a life that I'm proud to live.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Survived a root canal..

Well my dreaded root canal was today. I have to say, it wasn't bad. The worst was the shots they put in my gums. The first one didn't hurt to bad, but the second was up under my gum behind my front tooth and that was horrible. The rest I didn't feel anything and my whole mouth not to mention my nose are completely numb now. I found out I have a fracture though on one tooth and the nerve is I'm going to have to get caps put on. He said he could put it on just one..but it would be a little bigger then the other tooth and might not match the color exactly so I decided to just have him put them on both, especially since the other one is chipped anyway. This is gonna cost a pretty penny since my insurance only covers so much and I will be maxed out with the first part of this procedure. Please pray that we somehow can find a way to pay for this. I have a nerve exposed so it's something he said that needs to me done right away. I guess this is what I get for not going to the dentist for so long but I really hate it. Now I know why we are supposed to go every six months and I will never miss an appointment again. I just am deathly afraid of the drills and needles they use, so please keep me in your prayers as I will obviously have to be going through a lot of this come Monday morning and then two weeks after that.

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