This is just my little blog on lots of big things. I'm 27 and happily married to a darling man that I'm honored to call my husband. I've been diagnosed with Stage 4 Endometriosis which has put a damper on starting a family. So here you will read about my struggles with my health, infertility, my relationship with my husband, and most relationship with God and how day by day he is guiding me in a life that I'm proud to live.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


I hate to say it, but I didn't truly, 100% realize just how great my mom is until I started my journey to become a mom.

She has NO limits to her love. She never has, and she never will. Sure, sometimes it is crazy and inappropriate... but I really appreciate it now more than ever. She is a one of a kind mom and I wouldn't give that up for the world.

I've been alive for 26 years now and I and everyone else knows it's because I have a wonderful mother. She is the one of the only person who truly seems to get me... even when she doesn't. She smells like home, she sounds like love, and frankly she has this look that scares the crap out of me!

I thank my mom for my green eyes, my ridiculously curly hair (most days I can't stand it but know someday I'll appreciate it), my love for All My Children, Baseball & Friends, my crazy taste in music, always making sure I have sunglasses, turning me into a pack rat (no I seriously am proud of it. You wouldn't believe how many things I have from my childhood),for still labeling my Christmas presents "From Santa", for always letting me dream and for making sure I'm always taken care of <3

Thank you for everything, mom! I love you to pieces!

1 comment:

  1. Ha! I know that scary look very well. :-)

    I love your mom to pieces, too, in spite of that scary look. You both are beautiful and I love you both so much. What a lovely tribute to a very special mom.

    I love the wings on your sidebars. They are so sweet.
