Warning: If you're grossed out by talking about blood and female "stuff"..don't read this. Lol. I'm not too graphic or anything, but this is the stuff you WON'T see me talking about on Facebook. I'm blogging this whole crazy journey, so nothing will be left out. Including the stuff some may find TMI. If you know me, you know I'm not shy about discussing the TMI stuff :o)
So, yesterday marked three weeks since surgery. Gosh, I feel like it's been SO much longer than that. My incisions are healing really well, I think as soon as the glue they used to stitch me back together comes off I'll be buying that lotion to help fade scars. They're already shrinking pretty good, I just am paranoid about having any kind of scars on my stomach. Let's face it, who doesn't want to have a cute tummy during bikini season? The scars from my first surgery healed pretty darn good, they were unnoticeable, but these ones were larger, and there were five, instead of three which is what there were last time. Just don't want to take any chances since my knee surgery.."Oh they'll be totally gone in a few months". Yeah, my ass. You can still see them, and I really don't like it. Anyway..enough about scars. Wanna hear about blood? I knew you did!
I've been bleeding since about 5 days post-op. Yeah, did you do the math? I've been bleeding for over two weeks now. It wasn't really heavy bleeding, just steady I'd say. Well, about a week ago, it started getting really bad. Like, within an hour was completely soaked through my pj pants, and onto the sheets. Yeah, I ruin everything. I was having to change my pads (Which are HUGE by the way) like twice an hour. Just miserable. So, David called my Dr the next morning, since that little situation happened at about midnight, and he said it was normal. When I had my post-op appointment a week after surgery, I had only been bleeding for 3 days. I did ask him how long it would last and he couldn't say. "It's different for everyone. You had a lot done, and a lot removed, so it could be weeks". Ok, fine. I just didn't think bleeding that heavily was normal. I mean, I have horrendous periods, and I don't think I've ever bled that much at once. I could literally feel it just pouring out. (Feeing light headed yet?). So, even though David explained to him exactly how bad it was, how I was going through pads so quickly, how I stained everything, he still said it was normal. He said that if it got worse, then I needed to go to the ER. If it doesn't slow down, then I needed to make an appointment, and also until I'm done bleeding I need to be on total bed rest. So fun. As if I haven't been stuck in bed enough lately. Well, it's slowed down, but it's still heavy I'd say.
I've already had two incidents of passing out since surgery. I swear I'm a Dr's nightmare. The first one was like a week after surgery, I don't think it was due to the bleeding, I was in the bathroom and just started feeling dizzy. I was able to feel it coming on so I got to the floor before I fell to the floor. Thank goodness David is a light sleeper, he heard it and came and got me. Then I got lectured on why I went and got up to the bathroom without him. Yeah, he's good like that. He was waking up with me every time I had to go to the bathroom (yeah, even in the middle of the night) to accompany me to the bathroom since I was having a hard time getting around, and also because I do have such a history of fainting. The second time was last Thursday night. I wasn't so lucky with being in control that time. I wasn't even feeling dizzy or anything before hand. I got up out of bed (I had been asleep) to go to the bathroom. Went pee, stood up to pull my pants up and started getting that "every thing's fuzzy" feeling, and the next thing I remember is seeing David's legs in front of me. I had totally blacked out that time. I have the bumps and bruises to prove it. It was just so weird. I don't even remember David carrying me back to bed, or anything.
I didn't even bother calling the Dr to tell him about it. After all, I did just get my license back in February, after having it taken away for over a year because of another fainting episode. It does only happen when I'm bleeding, or really sick. It's not a neurological issue, that's already been determined by two different neurologists. But I know they still have to report it to the DMV if you go to the Dr for it. Losing so much blood, and being anemic, I know I don't need to be seen for it. Should I even be writing this on here? Ok, no one turn me into the DMV please :)
I did kind of break Dr's orders and get out of the house on Friday. We had to go to Fresno to pick up Sharayah and I decided to go. We're in the process of re-doing our living room, and I wanted to go look at this couch David and I have been eyeing for a few weeks. We've been looking at it online, so I wanted to see it in person. After only like ten minutes of walking around the furniture store I felt like crap. I just have no energy, and can't even get up and walk around for a few without just feeling so weak and dizzy. Yes mom, I've been taking my iron and other vitamins too :) The bleeding is just taking a huge toll on me. So, I'm not breaking the rules for the rest of the week, and I'm hoping the bleeding is either gone or barely there by the end of the week since David and I have a date night planned. It's been awhile since we've had one, and he said he wants to "treat" me for being so strong and getting through surgery and also to celebrate what will hopefully be big changes in my life. In our our lives. He should be "treated" as well for being such an amazing caretaker. I don't know any other husband who would change their wife's catheter bag, and then remove it without getting grossed out. At least he said it didn't gross him out..haha. Also, having to get up with me constantly to go to the bathroom, to change my pad, to go to the store and buy pads pretty much in bulk (Well he's always been good about that though, I'm lucky, I know some guys refuse to do that), and even having to bathe me. I tell him "How can you possibly find me hot after all this gross stuff??", he says "How can I not find you hot after seeing what a fighter you are?". Cue the "Awws". I know, right? Yup, I'm a lucky girl!
So here's to the flood gates closing soon (**fingers crossed**)..and The Hangover 2 and sushi this weekend! Oh sushi..how I've been craving you for so long. I will be ordering tons of you and stuffing my face.
3 hours ago
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