I don't know why, but the theme song of Mary Tyler Moore has been stuck in my head for days. I finally realized, it has to be there for a reason, but why? Well, I remember being wheeled into the operation room last Monday, of course tears flowing because I had just said bye to my husband and I knew he was standing at the end of the hall watching until I was pushed through those double doors. So, then being in the OR and seeing all the big lights and tools laid out sent me into a panic attack. The nurses and anesthesiologist were all very sweet though. Of course they started to put the stuff in my IV to relax me and I started trying to think of happy thoughts, my usual routine before I finally fall asleep. Usually I think of Disneyland. This time I started thinking of all of my favorite old tv shows. I Love Lucy, Mary Tyler Moore, Rhoda, Bewitched & The Golden Girls. I remember singing the theme songs in my head and thinking of all the funny moments. The last one I remember thinking of was the Chuckles The Clown episode of Mary Tyler Moore. They just don't make TV shows like that anymore. I have to clarify though, as much as I loved Mary..Rhoda was always my favorite. Come on, those hats and scarves? A girl after my own heart. Anyway, I started thinking how that theme song kind of applies to my life right now. Then I was out. Ok..so surgery details..
The surgery lasted almost four hours. He found alot of endometriosis, and classified it as a Stage 4, the worst kind. Yeah, not fun to hear. He said it was completely covering my left side. Some on the right, but nothing close to the left. There was a large cyst on my left ovary. The pictures were gross, but when he showed me the one of them cutting into it, endometriosis just poured out everywhere. Pretty gross. I also had alot on my bladder, which hopefully explains my need to pee every ten minutes, and the urinary pain I get that feels like a UTI but tests always come back negative. My bowel was pretty bad too, it was starting to attach to the back of the uterine wall. Hopefully that explains alot of my tummy troubles. He also had to do a hysteroscopy, and basically suck out the layer on my cervix that had the pre-cancerous cells. He also cut nerves to the uterus, so that hopefully my pain levels during my period will go down. I know some of this sounds like bad news, but he was able to remove all of it. So that is great news.
I had a really hard time in the recovery area after surgery. Intense pain, and was unable to empty my bladder. Which resulted in me screaming in pain and probably scaring other people in there. They kept telling me that there wasn't that much urine in there, then finally a different nurse came in and did a catheter and pulled out 500 of something..I don't know it that's milliliters or something, but she said that meant it was totally full. She took the cath out, and an hour later the same thing happened. I was able to get a tiny bit out in the restroom but that was it. So they did a cath again, and pulled out the same amount. This time they left it in, and I had to keep it in for two days. I never thought I would be begging to have a catheter, but it was definitely worth it. Not only did it help all that pain and pressure, but it was nice not having to get up to go to the bathroom for the next two days considering I could barely walk. My amazing husband has been such a great nurse. I'm sure emptying my catheter bag for two days wasn't too appealing for him. How did I get so lucky?
So, I'm now nine days post op. Still pretty sore, but definitely nothing like it was. I am having period like bleeding, which they say is normal and can't tell me how long it will last, could be a few weeks. Oh joy. But, he sees no reason why I can't get pregnant now. He said that it was pretty much impossible before because my ovaries couldn't have been working right, with that large cysts and all the adhesion's everywhere. But my tubes are open, and aren't scarred which is great news. He wants me to try a more natural approach to healing, as far as diet, exercise and reading a book called "The Healing Code" which I just downloaded on my Kindle and saw it had a lot of excellent reviews. I have to admit I was skeptical at first, but I also am thrilled at not having to put more hormones in my body. After all, they didn't work the first time. I had my first surgery in November 2009, he said from then til now, the endo should not have been as bad as it was. I'm also contemplating acupuncture. So here we go..as soon as I'm fully recovered, we're 100% focused on getting pregnant. I don't know why, but I have a feeling..it's finally our time.
Love is all around no need to waste it....
12 hours ago
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